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New NGS LIMS for Sample and Library Submission
We are excited to announce that, starting from February 24, 2025, we will transition to a new version of our NGS LIMS for sample and library submissions. This new LIMS has been entirely designed with the support of SciCoS from UNIGE. We hope you'll find it more user-friendly and efficient than the previous system.
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Spatial transcriptomics with the Visium CytAssist
The platform has acquired the CytAssist instrument from 10x Genomics for Visium spatial transcriptomics. The CytAssist facilitates the transfer of transcriptomic probes from standard glass slides to Visium slides. The workflow is compatible with either fresh frozen or FFPE tissue sections. Additionally, the CytAssist enables the use of the new HD Visium slides, which allow single-cell spatial resolution.
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Upgrade with the Chromium X for single-cell analysis
The platform has acquired the latest version of the 10xGenomics single-cell capture instrument: the Chromium X. This new instrument goes one step further by allowing the analysis of fixed cells. You can now analyze samples archived in paraffin blocks or those affected by viral or bacterial particles. It also enhances flexibility as you can store and send your samples without any risk of deterioration while awaiting processing by our platform. Finally, it offers a cost-effective solution thanks to multiplexing options.
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The latest Illumina sequencer installed at the Platform
The Platform is recently equipped with the NovaSeq 6000 sequencer from Illumina. This powerful and cost-effective sequencer can generate up to 6 Tb in less than 2 days. It also allows to scale up and down the output, ideal for large studies as well as innovating projects requiring specific configurations.
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Gene expression research & Digital Spatial Profiling
NanoString and the Genomics Platform will hold a workshop on October 19, 2021, at the CMU. The new GeoMX Digital Spatial Profiler that allows highly multiplexed spatial RNA and protein profiling will be presented. Updates on the nCounter system (available on the Platform) will be given. Pre Charna Dibner (Depts of Surgery and Cell Physiology and Metabolism) will also share her last NanoString data. Registration is required.
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SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing
SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing is now available at the Platform. Library preparation is performed with the amplicon-based Paragon Genomics panel. Amplicon sequencing is done on the Illumina MiSeq (2 x 150 bp). Data analysis is proposed (up the lineage assignment).
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SARS-CoV-2 genome
The Laboratory of Virology of the Geneva University Hospitals (Prof. Laurent Kaiser) publishes the SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequences found in 17 patients among the very first infected people in Switzerland. Details on figures. See also worldwide data on Nextstrain website.